The purpose of this chapter is to elaborate on the Unity of the Almighty Allãh in its general meaning: that the human being has a Lord Who is the Lord of the whole universe; every thing originates from Him and to Him returns every thing; He sent the messengers as bearers of good tidings, and warners [of chastisement], and through them He guides His servants to His true religion. And that is why the majority of its verses came in form of arguments against the polytheists about monotheism, prophethood and resurrection. Of course, it also contains brief description of religious (shar‘ī) obligations and prohib-itions of the faith.
Its context–as inferred by meditation–is one and synchronized, with no indication in it of any division which could have shown that it was revealed in piecemeal form. This proves that this chapter was revealed all together; and that it is a Meccan chapter as it appears from its context in which most of the talk, rather the whole talk, is addressed to the polytheists [of Mecca]. The exegetes [of the Qur’an] and the narrators [of hadith] agree that this chapter was revealed at Mecca, except for six verses which some of them say were of Medina period, and they are: And they do not assign to God the attributes due to Him… [6:91-93] and, Say: Come I will recite what your Lord has forbidden to you… [6:151-3].
Some have said that the entire chapter is of Meccan period except for two verses 6:151-2. Others have said that it is wholly of Meccan period except two verses which were revealed at Medina about a Jew, who had said: God has not revealed any thing to a mortal… (6:91). Someone said that the whole chapter is of Meccan period except one verse which was revealed at Medina, and that is: And even if We had sent down to them the angels… (6:111).
There is, however, no contextual proof for any of the above views as we have explained earlier that this chapter has a single theme and its verses are all well-connected; and we shall further elaborate upon it according to our ability. It has been narrated from the Imams of Ahlu ‘l-Bayt as well as [some companions like] Ubay,‘ Ikrimah and Qatãdah that it was revealed all together at Mecca.