Category - About

About Us

Welcome to Tawheed Institute Australia Ltd. Founded in 2013 in Sydney, Australia, Tawheed Institute was established with a mission: to continue the...

Allamah Tabataba’i

The late Allamah al-Tabataba’i’s fame rests on his academic works—the most important being his great exegesis of the Qur’an, al-Mizan fi...

Preface to al-Mizan

This preface outlines the methodology used in this book to uncover the meanings of the Qur’anic verses. Exegesis (al-Tafsīr), or the explanation of...

How to Read Al-Mizan

First, we must realize that there are numerous approaches to Qur’anic tafsīr (commentary, interpretation, exegesis). Each method has its own...