God is the absolute owner of all creation whether it is in the heavens or the earth including our actions, hidden or manifest and what our souls have earned. The Qur’an...
He sends down water from the heavens, then the valleys flow according to their measure, and the torrent bears along the swelling foam, and from what they melt in the...
According to the Qur’an, every action, whether good or bad, has some weight. God says: So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does...
The philosophical discourses presented in al-Mizan is very prominent and of rare excellence. One of the fundamental issues dealt with in al-Mizan relates to metaphysical...
The English language does not do justice to the Arabic word Niʿmah which appears in the Qur’an in many places. However, the common words used interchangeably are...
The Qur’an according to verse 3:7 consists of decisive and ambiguous verses. Both types of verses have an interpretation. The author of al-Mizan defines...
Qur’an: Recite that which has been revealed to you of the Book and keep up prayer; surely prayer prevents (one) from indecency and evil, and certainly the...
The reality of repentance (at-tawbah) and its significance and the rules governing it is among the most sublime Islamic realities and among the highest Qur’anic...
The Qur’an in Chapter 51 verse 56, says that God created humans to worship or serve Him. Whereas, in Chapter 11 verse 119, it defines the purpose of creation as mercy or...
The rational proof for the sinlessness of prophets is as follows: The sending of the prophets and the showing of miracles in their lie. Also, it is an endorsement...